Gene Owens – Music Censorship – we PUSH back

Gene Owens – Music Censorship – we PUSH back

We welcome Gene Owens to the show to discuss music censorship and the love of music.

Gene Owens is an American singer/songwriter and the creative force behind the rock band, Faithless Town. Faithless Town’s new releases, Into The Light Vol.1 & 2 explore the themes of love, loss, empathy, and defiance to tyranny. They feature the singles, “Live Free”, which New York Music Daily called “the best freedom anthem of 2022″, “Bride”, a cheerful duet with Leora Joy Perrie of Winsome Kind, and the relentless, hard-hitting, singalong, “Do Not Comply”, the video for which has been banned on YouTube. Into The Light Vol. 1 & 2 are out now and available everywhere digital music is sold and streamed.

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